Health Insurance in California


The state of California has recently enacted some fairly important measures in the field of health care that will make sure that thousands of California residents that have preexisting medical diseases will now be able to get some sort of health insurance coverage. This is something that cannot be overstated in how important it is because there are tons of people who definitely needed coverage and simply could not get any sort of health insurance coverage for any sort of reasonable rate if they had a preexisting condition. This can be a scary notion for any person who finds themselves in this position, as there are constantly costs or there is the prospect of medical costs that will not be supplemented by any sort of company or health insurance, so a person who have to take on massive health care payments, which for some people can be hundreds of thousands of dollars with no help at all, completely out of pocket.

 This recently enacted plan is only a temporary measure but something that is finally giving a lot of people hope, and puts California as one the highest enrollees in the program, only behind one other state. Peoplecertainly feel more secure in their ability to be covered by health insurance, even if this is just a temporary measure, it shows that there is a notable movement to make sure that people get the proper health care that they need as a means to have a healthy life, and for some people even get life saving surgeries or procedures that they would not be able to otherwise afford.

 There are parameters that a person needs to fall under as a means to be eligible for this kind of coverage but they make sense, as it is federal money going towards the funding of this health insurance coverage. Aperson must have been uninsured for at least six months and must have been denied access to health insurance coverage as a result of a preexisting condition that they had. This makes it so that people who truly need the health insurance and have no other outlet as a means to get it can have access to the health insurance.

 This is just one step in the federal overhaul of the healthcare system in America, which has generated a fair amount of controversy in recent years, as many people simply cannot agree on what is the best way for health insurance to be dealt with by the government.